4 Questions About CEREC Same-Day Dental Crowns, Answered!

December 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — painesvilledental @ 4:31 pm
Smiling woman looking at reflection in yellow mirror

In the last decade alone, the field of dentistry has progressed immensely. As a result, maintaining, restoring, and enhancing your smile is more convenient than ever. A great example of that is CEREC same-day dental crowns, which condense the entire process of restoring a badly damaged tooth into a single visit. If you want to learn more, then keep reading to learn the answers to four common questions about them!


Harmful Habits: 4 Things You Shouldn’t Do With Dentures

December 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — painesvilledental @ 6:09 pm
Dentist holding model of teeth with blue gloves

Unfortunately, tooth loss can have a negative impact on several aspects of your life – from your diet and ability to communicate clearly to how confident you feel when meeting someone new. There is some good news though: dentures are custom-made for each patient to ensure they look great, feel natural, and function well. Plus, they can last for a decade or more! To prolong the lifespan of yours, avoid the below bad habits.
