5 Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Make You Look Younger

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — painesvilledental @ 8:15 pm
A woman looking at herself in the mirror.

Aging. It happens to everyone if they’re lucky. But when your smile starts looking older than you feel, it’s not always so easy to feel fortunate. Thankfully, cosmetic dentistry can help. With a variety of procedures to help restore that youthful sparkle to your teeth, you can take years off your appearance and rediscover that glowing grin!

Here are five important ways that cosmetic dentistry can make you look younger.

It Whitens Your Teeth

No matter your age, when you have dull, discolored, or stained teeth, you can look a lot older than you really are. Cosmetic dentistry procedures like veneers, professional whitening, and even metal-free restorations can all help you restore that whiter, brighter smile you used to have as a kid.

It Stops the Sag

When you are missing teeth, your face can begin to droop or sag, especially if your jawbone deteriorates. Restoring your teeth with the help of dental implants can stop your face from looking hollow or sunken, making you look fresher and less tired in the process.

It Straightens You Out

Crooked teeth might be cute on a child, but when you’re older it can be a great source of embarrassment. Thankfully, solutions like Invisalign can help. Invisalign can fix a variety of bite issues as well as straighten crooked teeth and correct crowding or gaps. Plus, because Invisalign aligners are clear, it won’t be as obvious that you’re wearing them, allowing you to complete your treatment without drawing attention to your mouth.

It Shortens Your Gums

If you have gum recession due to periodontal (gum) disease, your teeth can appear larger, making you look older in the process. They can also be at a greater risk of infection, cavities, and tooth loss. A gum grafting or gum contouring procedure can help extend your gums so that they are covering the right amount of teeth and protecting your teeth from further damage.

It Boosts Your Confidence

When you are happy with your teeth, you’re more likely to smile freely. You won’t be concerned about what anyone is thinking when they see your teeth or feel the need to cover your smile. You can smile with ease and project a friendlier, more confident image that will help you in both your personal and                professional life.

Getting older is a natural part of life, but that doesn’t mean you need to look older than you really are. With the help of cosmetic dentistry, you can take years off your appearance and improve your oral health, too!

About Our Practice

Since 1969, Painesville Dental Group has been helping local families achieve their oral health goals. Whether you need a general exam and cleaning, treatment for a TMJ disorder, or a cosmetic procedure that will help you look and feel your best, our team of highly skilled and compassionate dentists is here to help.

To schedule a cosmetic dentistry appointment, please visit our website or call us at 440-354-2183.

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