Enjoying excellent oral health requires more than just maintaining the necessary routines. It is equally important to know what not to do. Could you be taking steps, daily, that could cause a dental emergency or contribute to tooth decay? As you read on, your local dentist will discuss some of the more detrimental behaviors that you may be unknowingly participating in.
Your Local Dentist Says Don’t Do This – It Can Ruin Your Teeth!
June 12, 2018
Your Local Dentist Says a Clean Tongue Equals a Healthy Mouth!
May 31, 2018
In your quest for a clean and healthy oral cavity, you are sure to brush and floss your teeth every day, but is there more that you could be doing? Your local dentist says there’s a part that you may be forgetting about – the tongue. As you continue reading, he’ll explain why cleaning your tongue is so important and will provide tips on how to do it the right way to prevent bacteria growth.
A Dentist Gives 3 Tips For a Healthy Smile as You Age!
April 3, 2018
Everything changes with age. Some of those changes are positive, like the maturity and wisdom that comes with decades of life experience. Other changes are a little tougher to deal with, like cranky knees and higher insurance premiums!
With all the changes that happen in later years, your mouth is no exception. Keep reading to learn about three easy tips from a dentist that will keep your smile healthy and beautiful well into your golden years!
5 Factors to Focus on When Choosing a Dentist
March 1, 2018
The health of your family’s teeth and gums are important to you, which is why you practice proper oral hygiene habits at home. While brushing and flossing are essential, they also need the care from a dentist. Finding the perfect one to care for your loved ones can be a challenge. Everyone has unique oral health needs that constantly change. Not to mention, everyone has different comfort levels. You need a location that will treat your family as their own while delivering superior services. To make the right choice, the are 5 factors to consider when making your selection.
Feel Like You Always Get Cavities, No Matter What?
February 3, 2018
It’s that time of the year again – time for your dental checkup! Although you love the feeling you get after having your teeth cleaned, you might dread hearing the news that you always seem to get, no matter what: “You have cavities!” Sigh…
Why is it that you get so many cavities, even though you follow all the recommendations and work hard at keeping your teeth clean? Especially when you know people who don’t do so well but never seem to get decay. If you’d like some clarification on this topic, a dentist explains why every mouth is different and what you can do to reduce your risk for future decay.
Visit Your Dentist to Fortify Your Oral Health
January 10, 2018
The word ‘prevention’ is pretty self-explanatory in defining itself, as the root ‘pre’ means before or first. With that in mind, ask yourself, “Do I like being first?” Of course, the answer will be yes (for most occasions). It’s innately programmed in your human nature to strive for being first. However, things happen in life that deter you from that mindset or simply make you more complacent. But your dentist has some valuable information for you, that will show why its so important to have a “first place” attitude about your oral health. He’ll also explain the necessity of partnering with him in your preventive oral care.
Your Dentist Explores the Effectiveness of Oil Pulling
December 9, 2017
According to the latest oral health trends, oil pulling is gaining steam as an effective method of removing bacteria, fighting bad breath, and even whitening your teeth. Also referred to as “swishing,” oil pulling has many people questioning its effectiveness compared to traditional methods. The biggest concern you should have is whether or not your dentist thinks it’s effective.
To answer this, we’ll be explaining what oil pulling is, how it works, and how effective it really is compared to traditional oral habits. The last thing you’ll want to do is buy a bunch of oil for nothing.
Your Dentist Reminds You Not to Fall for the Genetic Tests!
November 20, 2017
Your DNA is like a book that contains highly detailed information about you. It reveals where your ancestors came from, and it determines the color of your eyes and how tall you grow. Commercial companies are starting to utilize the power of DNA to make consumers believe that a simple test can tell them whether or not they’ll get cavities or gum disease. But the question remains — are these tests really useful? What is the best way to know if you are at risk for oral health problems? Your dentist weighs in on this important subject.
Dear Dentist, How Can I Choose the Right Toothpaste for Me?
October 2, 2017
Sometimes, choices are great. At other times, choices are overwhelming. When you walk into the toothpaste aisle at your local grocery store, you might just pick up the first toothpaste you see because, well, it would take too much time to compare all of your options. Besides that, you have enough on your mind, and the last thing you want to worry about is whether you’re using the right product to clean your teeth. However, you shouldn’t use just any old toothpaste. Your dentist is here to offer you a brief guide on finding the right paste to keep your mouth clean and healthy.
Don’t Skip Brushing Your Teeth Before Going to Bed
September 29, 2017
After a long day, the only thing on your mind is climbing into your warm bed. With the stress of the day weighing you down, you often skip brushing your teeth as the only thing you want to do is sleep. Despite the American Dental Association recommending that you brush your teeth twice a day, after a busy day, skipping it does not seem like a large concern because you will just do it in the morning. However, if you do not do it before going to bed, you are opening the door to potential dental issues, like tooth decay and gum disease.