As a parent, it’s your job to worry about potential dental emergencies. Whether it’s playing rough with the other kids during sports or having one too many sugary snacks, there are many reasons why your child might need an emergency trip to the dentist, and the best way to protect your child’s oral health is to make sure such emergencies don’t happen in the first place. Here are some tips to help keep your little one’s smile safe.
3 Ways You and Your Dentist Can Save Your Child From Dental Pain
June 17, 2019
Can Gum Disease Really Affect Your Heart?
May 5, 2019
When most people hear the phrase “gum disease,” they probably think of a minor infection at most. They aren’t likely to think of a serious issue that needs immediate treatment. With a name like gum disease, it can be hard to believe that it affects more than just your mouth. However, research has shown that the condition can damage your brain, lungs, and heart as well. Read on as a dentist explains how gum disease can hurt your heart in particular.
Attending Your Semi-Annual Visit with Your Dentist Could Save Your Life
April 10, 2019
This year, 53,000 people in the United States will be affected by oral cancer, killing about 10,000. When the symptoms are caught early, the disease is easier to treat. Your dentist may be the one person who stands between you and the life-altering consequences of advanced stages of oral cancer. You may not have noticed, but at each of your semi-annual checkups and cleanings, your dentist performs an oral cancer screening. Read on to learn about what serious illnesses you can prevent by simply attending your routine dental visits. (more…)
Your Dentist Shares 10 Reasons That Can Cause You to Have a Toothache
March 15, 2019
Going to the dentist can sometimes fall off the list of high priorities. You know going to the doctor is important to make sure your overall health has the green light, but what about the dentist? Don’t you want to make sure your teeth, gums, and oral health are in check? If you need a bit more convincing, here are six reasons you should schedule an appointment to see your dentist.
6 Reasons You Should See Your Dentist Regularly to Maintain Oral Health
March 3, 2019
Going to the dentist can sometimes fall off the list of high priorities. You know going to the doctor is important to make sure your overall health has the green light, but what about the dentist? Don’t you want to make sure your teeth, gums, and oral health are in check? If you need a bit more convincing, here are six reasons you should schedule an appointment to see your dentist. (more…)
The Flu Season Tips Your Dentist Wants You to Know
December 4, 2018
‘Tis the season for colds, flu and spending time with your doctor. Unfortunately, the remedies your doctor, conventional wisdom and even old wives’ tales recommend can lead to bad news at your next dental appointment. If you’re sick, it’s important to factor in your dentist’s flu season tips, too.
Schedule With a Dentist So You Don’t Miss Out On Your Insurance Benefits!
November 11, 2018
There’s nothing more frustrating than realizing you passed up a chance to make or save money. But that’s the situation many people find themselves in when they forget to schedule with a dentist before the end of the year. In fact, a recent study by the American Dental Association found that the average person has an annual benefit of $1,250, but only gets about $323 of dental work each year. If you don’t use your benefits, you lose them – and wind up missing out on over $900. Keep reading to find out which procedures are usually covered and how you can maximize your plan this year!
Got Dental Insurance? See Your Dentist before the End of the Year
October 16, 2018
2018 will soon become 2019. Time to plan your festivities and consider your aspirations for the upcoming year. While you’re at it, make an appointment to see your dentist sometime soon. By doing so, you’ll get the most benefit from your dental insurance.
Can You Still Use Invisalign After Having Braces or Dental Work?
August 13, 2018
It’s common for adults to ask about innovative orthodontic treatments, including Invisalign. In fact, many of these patients wonder if they’re still able to get orthodontic work if they already had treatment as a child or teenager. As a result, this has become one of the most common questions dentists hear.
If you’re not sure whether you’re previous or current orthodontic care will interfere with Invisalign treatment, then you should keep reading. You may be surprised by what you learn!
Your Dentist Lists 6 Reasons to Avoid DIY Braces
July 11, 2018
Everyone wants a beautiful, straight smile – but not everyone wants to pay for one. DIY braces and at-home teeth straightening kits use a variety of materials such as superglue, rubber bands, paper clips and dental floss and promise fast results for a fraction of the price of professional braces. But are makeshift braces actually safe and cost-effective? Your dentist lists 6 reasons why you should think twice before trying to straighten your teeth at home.